Using CSVs as Filter Criteria

Uploading lists of companies or people via CSV files to Primer is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you include these records in your ad audiences:

Mapping Fields for People

When uploading a list of people, map the following fields for optimal results:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Name

  • Domain

  • LinkedIn Person Profile URL

  • Email

Tip: Mapping more fields improves the match rate of records to Primer’s database, enhancing their usability. The LinkedIn Profile URL has the biggest impact.

Mapping Fields for Companies

For a list of companies, the essential field to map is:

  • Company Domain

  • LinkedIn Company Profile URL

Review and Import

  • Check Validity: After mapping, you’ll see how many records are valid and will be imported. Records that cannot be imported will be flagged, including the row number for reference.

  • Reset Mappings: If you make an error, you can reset the mappings and try again.

  • Import Records: Click "Import" to finalize the process.

Once your file is imported:

  • Include or Exclude: Choose whether to include all records from the file in your audience or exclude them.

  • You are allowed one CSV file per audience.

  • You can reuse files in other audiences from the CSV Files tab.

Last updated