An Introduction to Primer's Database

What you should know about Primer's database and what makes it special.

Database Fast Facts

  • Database size: >15M companies, 220M people

  • Geo with best ad platform match rates: North America

  • Geo with worst ad platform match rates: APAC

What Makes Primer's Database Special

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the effectiveness of a campaign often boils down to the quality of the data used. At Primer, we understand this critical factor, and that's why our database strategy is designed to provide marketers with a unique edge.

Let's dive into the structure, enrichment processes, and compliance measures that make Primer’s database an invaluable tool for modern marketers looking to enhance their targeting and achieve higher conversion rates.

1. Primer’s Unique Data Structure: A Blend of B2B and B2C Insights

Primer’s database is built on a robust foundation of both B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) data. Most data providers tend to focus on just one of these data types, but we see immense value in leveraging both.

The reason is simple: most decision-makers at companies use their personal email addresses (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo) to log into platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube rather than their work emails. This behavior creates a disconnect in typical B2B-only databases. By bridging this gap with B2C data points, Primer provides richer, more accurate insights into these key decision-makers, allowing for better targeting and personalized marketing.

B2B IdentifiersB2C Identifiers

Work Email

Personal Email

LinkedIn Profile URL

Mobile Advertiser ID

Work Phone

Mobile Phone

Company IP address

Home IP address

2. Opted-In Data and Compliance: A Trustworthy Approach

We take data privacy seriously. All data that comes into Primer’s platform is sourced from opted-in partners, ensuring that our entire database complies with GDPR, CCPA, and other critical privacy regulations.

However, it's important to note that while we ensure all incoming data follows compliance best practices, we do rely on our data partners to maintain this standard. This partnership allows us to offer a broad range of data while still prioritizing privacy and regulatory adherence.

3. Quality Over Quantity: Primer's Strategic Constraints

Unlike many data providers that focus on expanding their databases as much as possible, Primer takes a different approach: purposefully constraining the size of our database to maintain the highest standards of data quality. We believe that having an enormous volume of data is less valuable than having a focused, high-quality set of data points that drive actionable insights.

Our database is curated to ensure that every record is relevant, accurate, and actionable. This intentional constraint allows us to maintain data precision and reliability, ensuring that our customers' marketing campaigns are powered by only the most relevant data. By limiting the size of our database, we eliminate noise and focus on what matters most—high-impact, targeted marketing.

Total RecordsRecords in ProductQuality Guardrail:

>1 billion people

>220M people

Job status on LinkedIn must be verified within at least the last 270 days

>55M companies

>15M companies

Company must have at least 1 employee with a verified LinkedIn profile

4. Identity Resolution: Unlocking the Full Potential of Customer Information

Primer’s real strength lies in our ability to enrich B2B records with B2C data points, which significantly boosts match rates and enhances data coverage. For example, when a user is browsing Google, they might not be using their work email but a personal one. If a marketer only has their work email, they won't be able to match them to Google. Primer fills this gap by adding layers of B2C data to B2B profiles, ensuring more comprehensive targeting capabilities.

By resolving these B2B and B2C identities, we empower our customers to better understand their audience. Whether it's creating targeted account-based marketing (ABM) lists or running personalized ad campaigns, this combined data provides the depth needed to optimize marketing strategies effectively.

5. Finding Success: Navigating Different Geographies

While our database excels in coverage within the U.S. and Canada, where privacy laws are more permissive, the situation in the European Union (EU) presents some challenges. Due to stricter regulations around data privacy and consent in the EU, there is significantly less opted-in data available. As a result, our match rates and coverage for EU-based targeting are more limited.

For customers whose primary focus is on North American markets, Primer’s database offers tremendous value with high match rates and coverage. However, for those targeting EU markets, the current limitations in available opted-in data mean they might experience reduced success.

6. Looking Ahead: Building a Comprehensive Provider Waterfall

The future of data-driven marketing lies in layered data strategies. At Primer, we are actively exploring building a "waterfall" approach with multiple data providers. This approach ensures that when one provider has limited coverage (like in the EU), another can fill the gap, maximizing overall data coverage and campaign effectiveness.

Last updated