Primer Conversion Report

Easily understand your audience performance and optimize to maximize your ongoing pipeline and revenue with Primer

Note that the Conversion report is currently a beta feature. To request access, contact our Support team.

In order to enable the Sales Pipeline report, you need to have read access integration configured between Primer and Salesforce.

Pipeline and Revenue Impacted by Primer Across All of Your Audiences

This report helps you understand the pipeline impacted and revenue impacted by the accounts included in your active audiences. You may adjust your reporting window directly from the dashboard. Pipeline, revenue, and attribution definitions can be adjusted from “Settings” tab.

In addition to the top-level summary, you can see the pipeline and revenue impact of each audience.

Pipeline and Revenue Impacted by a Single Audience

From your audience page, you can closely examine the pipeline impacted, revenue impacted, and all the opportunities associated with an audience in much more detail.

This makes it easy to understand which specific opportunities were directly impacted by this particular audience based on your attribution definition.

To set up the conversion events behind the pipeline report, head over to “Settings” tab and toggle to Enable Conversion Reporting.

Sales Pipeline Report Types

Dashboard-level Report

Above your audience dashboard, you’ll now see a section displaying the impacted pipeline and impacted revenue of your Primer audiences. Additionally, we’ve introduced two new columns for pipeline and revenue that should help you quickly identify your most impactful audiences.

Audience-level Report

Inside each audience, there is a new “Performance” tab that displays trends in opportunities, pipeline, and revenue over a specified timeframe. We’ve also provided a table of all opportunities associated with the audience, including relevant fields like opportunity name, stage, date, and amount.

You're able to download a CSV of audience performance as displayed in the dashboard for further analysis.

Last updated