Error: Facebook Custom Audiences Not Enabled

Facebook requires you to accept their custom audience terms of service before you can use a Primer-powered audience.

If you see an error telling you that Facebook Custom Audiences are not enabled, here's how to resolve it:

Custom Audiences ToS - User level:

Visit to validate your acceptation of the rules.

Custom Audiences ToS - Business level:

Visit{BUSINESS_ID} to validate your acceptation of the rules at the business level.

Note that you need to replace {BUSINESS_ID} with your own business ID..

Custom Audiences ToS - Ad account level:

For each ad account you might need to use, you'll have to make sure that their ToS are also accepted. To do so, use the following URL by replacing {ACCOUNT_ID} with your ad account IDs (act_xxxx format):{ACCOUNT_ID}.


Once terms are accepted, you'll need to refresh your access token provided to our platform. Simply disconnect and reconnect on the Integrations page.

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Last updated