Audience Sizes

With new and improved Primer 2.0 you can create audience as big as 3 Million!

When your audience is too broad and you need to refine it consider these tips:

1. Tweak Company Filters

  • Modify your Company filters. For instance, if your Employee Size filter is 1 - 100, consider narrowing it down to 1 - 50. Then, create another audience with Employee Size 51 - 100.

  • If you've chosen multiple Company Locations, such as the United States and Canada, think about using just the United States for this audience. You can save Canada for another audience with different filters. 🏢

  • If you are happy with your audience and want to split it into multiple audiences, you can do this most easily by applying Headcount filters and duplicating the audience until you've captured the target audience. You can then join these audiences into a single campaign once synced to an ad platform.

2. Fine-Tune People Filters

  • Adjust your People filters. If you initially selected 5 Job Titles, consider reducing it to 2 or 3 until your audience size reaches the desired level.

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